“Lovetap Japan 2023" (live in Kokura) / by Goh Kurosawa

LOVETAP TOUR 2023 Japan/日本
Japan final summer show / 夏の日本公演最終日

1. Return of the Fruit Bunny 
2. Lovetap 
3. Third Word Swamp (beatboxing/ビートボクシング)
4. Schumann/シューマン (classical/クラシック)
5. Rain/雨
6. Furusato/ふるさと (Japanese Folk, a song called Home)
7. Smile (unplugged/生音演奏)

"My first show in Kokura was fantastic, thank you to the people: the audience, the supporters, all music lovers, and my family my friends. Sometimes there is rain, sometimes there is no rain. This footage is my first complete solo set ever released. Beginning with one of my first overseas shows at the start of this millennium, I have completed about 30 Japan Tours at this point. You all rock! Thank you all!"

「初の小倉ライブ最高でした、ありがとうございました皆様:お客さん、サポーターのみなさん、音楽大好きな人すべて、そして僕の家族僕の友達。雨は降ります、雨はやみます。この作品は、僕のソロプログラム完全版、初のリリースとなりました。お陰様で僕は今世紀の始まりに初の海外ライブ後、今までに30回近くのJapan Tourを演奏させていただいてきています。みんないいね!ありがとうみんな!」

film director: Gyokun
Goh's guitar by George Lowden: Honey Beast
Goh's amp by Elite Acoustics: Lucky8
Goh's custom cables: Noritoshi Maeda
venue/会場: Music Cross in Kokura Japan (小倉ミュージッククロス)
special thanks to: Ari Tomoto, Naomi Hanafusa, Canty (Hina / Kumico / Sana), Gon Yamamoto, Sangjin Lee (director of Music Cross)

-new video from this set-
Lovetap South Pas 2023 (live at Eclectic Music Festival)

-previous videos from this set-
Return of the Fruit Bunny (from “Flow” 4 song album) Lovetap Third Word Swamp (from “TWS” 4 song album) Humming Song (Robert Schumann Song) Rain Furusato/ふるさと (Home) Smile

2023 tour shots by: Goh Kurosawa, Sue Morris, Lindsey Loon, Lisa Stacilauskas, Aki Hacto, Kazuki Himura, and Gan (Iwao Ohyama)