「You're Not My Baby」 by Goh Kurosawa

「You're Not My Baby」(Adam Levy)
AL: "You're Not My Baby" is a darkly comic examination of love, lust, and longing. As with most of my songs, I consider the lyric to be true, though not autobiographical. This song has elicited snickers from many audiences and one fuming protest from a listener when I sang it on WUGA Public Broadcasting in Athens, Georgia. I don't think about how folks may react while I'm writing my songs but I'm always glad when one stirs something in someone.


"Two important things..." by Goh Kurosawa

"Two important things as an artist...
     doing good art & building relationships." —Pete Morris (Watercolor artist)

「 アーチストにとって重要な二課題...
     よき芸術をつくる、そして、わをひろげる。」 —ピーター・モリス (水彩画家)

\W/ by Goh Kurosawa

"Open your mind, spread your arms, way sky high.... GOOD MORNING!!!" — Goh

「 頭を開き、腕を大きく広げる、空よりもさらに高く...おはよう、行くぞ!!! 」 — 豪

Slow Down by Goh Kurosawa

............ slow down, there is time, there is space. 


Life Journey by Goh Kurosawa

Hi, welcome to my diary. From time to time, I will be sharing things (words, photos, and music). Thank you for visiting, and see you soon. \W/

ようこそ。このページでは英語と日本語、写真、そして音楽などを中心にときどきアップデートしていきます。ありがとうございます、ではまた。 \W/